My brief is to produce a helmet that looks deeply into the problems that the snowboarder/skier faces. Design a helmet to make the user feel safer using. Design a product that can co exist with products. Looking into new way to protect your head such as koroyd and testing my own ways to keep you safe on the slopes. A headset is built in that connects to your phone to pick up calls or to get the latest updates using the app that comes with the helmet, this enables you to know the best spots and to prevent accidents.

Fragrance Diffuser
To design anĀ air freshener that is attractive and fragrant and to research ways in which the scent of air freshener is innovatively distributed into its environment. I want to consider how the air freshener is refillable most cost effectively and green for the environment. Also for packaging looking into and investigating multi-pack and refillable options. Finally to test and experiment the way that the customer would use and interacts with the air freshener. Using a ceramic heat pad and a rechargeable circuit to take it to the destination you want. If I was going to do this again I would look into adding a fan to circulate the scent more.